
موعد صدور مجموعة أجزاء للعبة الأسطورية الشيطان قد يبكي !

ها قد أتى اللحظة التي ننتظرها جميعاً بإعلان موعد صدور للعبة الجميلة الشيطان قد يبكي .. فسوف تصدر اللعبة بالجودة العالية لكي تتسنى لك الفرصة في تجربة اللعبة و هي مطورة ، وذلك في تاريخ ١٣ مارس ٢٠١٨م على جميع أجهزة بلايستيشن ٤ / أكسبوكس ١ و الكمبيوتر

Ubisoft to celebrate 30 years in E3 ?

Time passes so fast !

looks like Ubisoft is going to Celebrate its 30 years anniversary in E3 this year.


” E3  is always a very special moment when everyone in the entertainment business does their best to amaze and engage gamers. For Ubisoft’s teams, it’s a period of pride and of anxious anticipation because they are finally showing off the games they’ve poured so much passion into, and receiving feedback from players and peers. Our industry has evolved so much in the past 30 years, but what hasn’t changed is my love and respect for the limitless passion and talent of developers and players alike,” said Yves Guillemot, co-founder and CEO, Ubisoft. “The video game industry continues to enjoy strong momentum, with powerful new platforms that enable more creativity, expression and imagination. More than ever, video games are showing how they will shape the future of entertainment. I can’t wait to be at E3 and see what the future has in store.”

as we all know that Ubisoft is going to reveal Watchdogs 2 , for honor and tom clancy games and most likely they’re hiding something special to be unveil for this special anniversary !

tell us what do you except !